So, I went into a hollister store the other day, and found this shirt that I really liked. A long sleeve with a hood, pockets, etc. But back to the question, it said on the price tag in the store that it was 29.99. I then went home and when I was on the hollister store later that day, the same shirt was priced as %26quot;now 19.99, was 29.99.%26quot; I'm pretty sure they didn't change the prices that day, so which one do I go with? Is it also 19.99 in the store, or is it just a website sale? It was in the clearance room, but didn't have a redlined tag on the item.
Thanks so much for all y'alls help!
Hollister store and website sales don't match up?
Yes, the price online will be the same as in the store. If you are absolutely positive it's the same shirt, it'll be the same price. We've been putting out a lot of new stuff the past few weeks so sometimes the sale signs don't always get put out right away.
Hollister store and website sales don't match up?
well if you get it from the website its going to be PLUS tax PLUS shipping so you might save $5