i recently purchased nokia 3600 slide. due to good lokking design and 3.2 MP camera. But after 2-3 use i have found it's 3.2 camera is wrost camera that made by nokia between 7000-9000 price tags. picture quality is so poor. no image details. frequenlty hangs if you take 3 or 4 picture continoulsy. voice qulaity is also very poor. speaker is on back side of phone. response time is very slow. please advice me. i need a phone between 7500-8000 with good sound quality and average camera like (nokia 6233,6300)
Should i change my nokia 3600 slide with nokia 5310 or other phone between 7500-8500 Rs?
Hi frnd
I m so sorry 4 u that u hav handle this.
The 3600 is Nokia's worst fone ever
As in Ur budjet i suggest u to Go wid
Nokia N72
Nokia N70
Samsung SGH E840
Samsung SGH Beat270
Lg KP320
all this phones are reviewed good so u can choose anmong them
hope dis help