Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Is 3 carats too big for an engagement ring?

Recently my boyfriend and I decided to start ring shopping. The first ring I picked out was...cute...but after a few more visits, the ring size and style kept changing and growing untill eventually we both decided on a 2 carat canary diamond center stone with white diamond side stones bringing the total carat weight to 3.18 carats and the price tag to $20,000. We haven't brought the ring home yet but all my friends and family that I have told about it have initially freaked out and then told me that I need to pick a different ring and spend the money on something more %26quot;important%26quot;. What should I do?
Is 3 carats too big for an engagement ring?
Are you comfortable with it ?

Can your husband to be afford it, and is he comfortable with it ?

Can the ring be purchased without making sacrifices in the future ?

If so, be happy and get it.

I bought my wife a 2+ carat center stone ring, but I had 100k saved up and spent roughly 2 months my salary.
Is 3 carats too big for an engagement ring?
Definitely not too big. I actually switched to a 9 carat gemstone w/ diamond pave as my new %26quot;wedding%26quot; ring - more of an anniversary present. Bigger and blingy is in - go for it and let everyone else be envious -- but only if you can afford it comfortably.

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I personally wouldn't want to wear a ring that size every day for the rest of my life. I also think that I agree with your loved ones; $20,000 is a lot of money to spend on a ring that could instead go toward a car, part of a down-payment on a house, or even just into savings for later on.

However, I don't know your financial situation. It may be that $20,000 isn't an overly extravagant amount for your fiance to spend according to your budget. Look at your finances together and talk about your upcoming major purchases (including the wedding), how much you want to start putting into savings, stuff like that. Bottom line is, it's your ring and your engagement and, eventually, your marriage. You two should decide for yourselves what the best decision is, not the people around you.
No it is not but you should try ultra diamonds they have some great stuff.
thats a lot of money .. get a 1 carat ring and get a bigger ring for your actual wedding ring
Three carats is not too big for an engagement ring.

It is up to up, you will wear the ring. If you must have the ring, I say get it and don't have a big wedding. The three biggest important expenses with weddings are the ring, dress, and the honeymoon.

A lot of people, get a large ring and go somewhere like Hawaii and have a wedding (hint the cost is less, because a lot of people can't go) and spend the money reserved for the wedding on the ring and a house.

I would prefer a three carat ring that I love and could look at everyday for the rest of my life, instead of settling for a ring that I do not love.

Hope this helps and congrats:)
I love diamond rings and in my opinion, the bigger the better. But, as a couple starting out, why not go a bit smaller and thus same some money and then for a special wedding anniversary trade up that ring to a bigger one. That is what my husband and I did and I now have a beautiful 3.5 carat diamond ring that is a knock out and we have been married 30 years. I have traded up 3 times to get this ring and I love it.

But, if you can afford your big, beautiful ring, go ahead and get it. I do agree with the previous writer that you probably would not want to wear your ring everyday, so make sure that you get a nice wedding band that looks nice by itself.
yes i think it is too big start out something smaller its like. i have heard a million times it not the size of it that counts , you can always get one bigger down the road like your ten yrs together , i would understand that much better then than now spend that money on a payment on the house
Hell yeah that's too much for an engagement ring. You could use that money on the wedding or a car or even a downpayment for a house. Pick a cheaper ring sweetie. The smaller the ring size doesn't mean he loves you any less.
I say hell yea if you all have the money rock that ring girl. The bigger the better.
I would rather have a nice house or nice stuff to go in it than a ring to try and impress others, but its your money and your life.
If that's the ring that you really want and your boyfriend can afford it without going into debt then it should be fine. You should consider just getting the center stone and adding the two side stones later but it's totally up to you. Personally, I don't like the idea of going into debt over a wedding or an engagement ring - it isn't a positive way to start a life together and it can create problems later on. Congrats on your engagement.
My mother's engagement ring is 4 carats and cost more than a Lexus. We spent about an hour this morning discussing the type of side stones she should add to it to make it look bigger.

The moral of the story? Bigger is better.
If you/he can afford it, it is fine. The center stone of 2 carats is big, but not uncommon.
In my opinion, the only people who should be allowed to (and have earned the right to) wear a ring that ostentacious are really old women and movie stars. On anyone else, it would probably look pretty gauche.
If your fiancee is very wealthy, and has a great income then buy it, wear it and enjoy it. Do not care what other people think.

Otherwise choose one that is not so expensive.

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