I am a freshman, going into my second semester of college. Currently I am a music education and performance major. I love music so much, and have always enjoyed playing the flute. It comes naturally to me, and I have a lot of scholarship money from it. My parents even bought me a professional model flute (I'm talking into 6 digit price tag) because of the potential everyone sees in me. I also really enjoy teaching, and my past band directors and flute teachers seem to think it'd be a great job for me and that I'd enjoy it and be good at it. And..I really think I could. I know I'd enjoy it, and be happy. I'd be able to live comfortably, although probably not luxuriously, which is fine with me. It seems like the perfect thing for me to do, and I've always said I want to go on and get my Ph.D at some point, etc etc.
But..now I'm not sure if this is really what I want to do. Since I started getting good at the flute, I've just thought I'd keep doing it through college and throughout my life. I hadn't ever considered anything else. But recently, I've had a couple of people tell me I'd make a great nurse. The other day at church, I was almost in tears because they were talking about a mission trip and how these Dr.'s and nurses had helped all these people. I've been keeping up with a few little cancer patients %26amp; their journeys..and I've always loved kids.
So..now I'm wondering if I should change my major. At the school I'm at, you're admitted into the nursing program after 2 years of getting core requirements, and I know if I changed know I could easily be on track if I took a couple of summer classes, because of credits I've brought in from high school. But at the same time...I wonder if this is just a whim..idk. I love music so much, and could really see myself happy in that field. But I also want to help people, make a difference in peoples lives..and nursing is in such a high demand right now. I think working in a pediatric oncology unit like at a children's hospital or St. Judes would be neat..idk.
I guess I'm looking for some advice on where to go from here..has anyone experienced this before, wanting to change majors so fast? I feel bad because my parents have put so much money into my flute playing, and I know I have talent and potential. But..I guess I'm not feeling as excited about it as I once was.
Should I change my major?
Think about it this way - you can always be a nurse and be a musician on the side, even get paid to be one for a symphony, but you can't be a musician and do medicine as a hobby (not legally anyway).
Should I change my major?
It's totally natural for you to doubt your major. So many people do. I'm not even in college yet so I can't give you sound advice on this but the first answerer had a point, you could possibly pull off nursing as your career and music on the side. and medicine pays more. But you KNOW you love music, and you THINK you'd love helping others and looking after patients. Try going into medicine, or find out more about nursing. Do some research. If it seems right for you, try it. If it ends up not being what you thought it would be, start over with music. (But don't ever give music up entirely - it's your passion.) It's probably not best to jump around schools like that, but these decisions affect the rest of your life. It's scary, but it's true. So good luck, and I hope you make the right choice!