Saturday, 24 September 2011

Is hip hop going through major changes ?

I've been on this forum about 1 month straight seeing different questions and answers, the majority of time being serious about my thoughts on replies and kidding on others to try to get my score up. Hip hop has indured major changes in the last 5-10 years and it is evident in everyone's eyes that it has taken it's toll on society. People have to keep in mind that hip hop is based on freedom of speech and it come's with a hefty price tag that can anger the feelings of certain individuals. I respect everyone's opinion on who they like because it's evident that certain artist or groups has touched them in such a way that I might not understand so who am I to judge or downplay there love for someone. Believe it or not hip hop is the head of the pyramid and runs down like a family tree being all under one umberella, Rakim is hip hop, T.I. is hip hop, and even Soulja boy is hip hop, so you ask how's that. You have to go back to what the esence of hip hop is which envolves different elements
Is hip hop going through major changes ?
I'll have my say when your finished...*starred*
Is hip hop going through major changes ?
it always has and it always will.
yes, it so different taht they are thinking about changing the name.
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