Saturday, 24 September 2011

Why am I the only one, the U.S. needs changed starting with us.?

Companies making billions, paying workers minimum wage. Single parents thinking if they do not have a new house and drive a new car they are failures. When did the American dream become greedy? Freedom has a high price tag which now is taxed, the same reason this Country was founded on.....the tea party? The Government is now the British, French, Spanish empire of years past. Why is the U.S. involved anywhere? The father of our nation fought to keep other powers out, leave us alone, etc. So lets send more troops somewhere instead of minding our own business. I guess my question is why can't we form up millions strong and demand this or change things? Lets keep the Republicans and Democrats out of I the only one that understands neither is productive? How many times do I watch people from these two parties argue with each other when all the while knowing they both are the problem. Am I the only one? I would like to start something, not only for political but if you are a member you do not cheat on spouses, have credit cards(You know that the only way economists see our economy normal is if we are maxed out on credit.) Don't lie, steal or use Meth, etc, etc .................but am I the only one?
Why am I the only one, the U.S. needs changed starting with us.?
you may not be the only one but there are few and are far between == until we learn that i is not the most person in the world we will always have this mess!!!
Why am I the only one, the U.S. needs changed starting with us.?
you are very correct. we need to stop being greedy in this country.