i like a girl, she likes me, we start dating and then i find out she's got 400+ pairs of shoes and counting.
she's awesome, but when she gets upset / stressed out she tells me just buys shoes (and there not just any old shoes either...the price tags are insane...she's never worn half of them)
i'd like to get more serious with her but it scares the heck outta me that anyone could be like that. i mean i wouldn't get involved with a drug addict, and it doesn't seem like there's much of a difference.
What makes a woman a shoe-a-holic, and can she ever change?
shopping is a form of release and control. same as bulimia and stealing....some have sexual dysfunction issues masked. please be kind and talk to your girlfriend about the next time she feels the need to do this. what;s wrong- what is she feeling at the moment- what is in her head....you gotta communicate and be NICE!.. hen the two of you can break the cycle together.
What makes a woman a shoe-a-holic, and can she ever change?
genetics and no
I have ten pair of shoes myself and that includes my running shoes, work shoes, slippers and winter boots.
Four hundred? They would take up my whole freakin' place! I'd have to agree - at some point it's an addition...
Wow! I'd kill to have 400+ pairs of shoes. Anyways, don't date the girl if you don't like her for her. Never go into a relationship with the mindset that you can change all the things that bother you about them.
I'm a shirt-aholic ( that means I like shirts )
Is her name %26quot;Imelda Marcos%26quot;?
ooo i'm so sorry. she sounds wonderful but gosh i would b scared too. well i'm a girl and i'd say she can become un-addicted. it's not genetic and it's nothing but just a habit -- although an extreme one -- so i'd say if she puts her mind to it she can change. make some suggestions to her about trying to stop... that might work.
you could get together and brainstorm alternatives to shopping to relieve her stress, or simply limit the amount of shopping she can do each time, gradually lessening the amount. ask her if there's anything you can do to help when she's stressed. i know i'd choose quality time w/ the guy i love over a pair of shoes any day ;)
good luck!!
well i dont think there is a shoe a holic rehab but try talking to her about it! she kinda seems a bit oer th top dont you think? hopefully she doesnt get that obsessed over you!
Women LOVE cute shoes, but your girl seems to have psychological issues.
Anyone who uses a particular item (be it food, sex, shoes, or anything else) to feel better everytime they are stressed, needs some sort of counselling. It is unhealthy.
It also makes little sense to become seriously involved with someone who does not have enough financial sense/discipline to not spend all their money on shoes. And when the money runs out, what does she do? Charge it?
Get her the help she needs to overcome this issue.