that I need to find out what people like or dislike about the vending machines. Is it convenient for all people to use? Do you have problem using buttons, bill and change slots or getting the product out? Do you think the display window is good enough visually with the pictures of the product or the actual product as well as the price and number tags under each item?
What do you think about the vending machines?
Design a vending machine that takes credit cards!
A lot of people no longer carry cash around, and when you're thirsty it's a big inconvenience to have to find an ATM and then find change for a vending machine... usually you've found a store where you can just buy a drink by that time.
Also, make the entire front of the machine transparent, so we know exactly what we're getting and that nothing is out of inventory.
What do you think about the vending machines?
1. I think that all people use vending machines because they are eye-catching and when your hungry or thirsty, they can help. And everyone knows, AMERICANS CAN EAT! lol
2. Some times when I hit a button, the wrong product comes out, which obviously makes me angry. I sometime also put in my money and I do not get the proper change back, or NO change at all. And the worst is when the product doesn't come out at all, especially when you can see it just hanging there.
3. I like how they show the product in the window or just have the picture. But I dislike how the prices very wherever you go. Around town=CHEAP. At an arena or football game= LIKE $5 FOR A WATER!
I think it should show the product. ( Have gotten like so many dirty bottles I could poison all of Alaska!) Also please be ready to get bottles out of machine! ( I get bottles stuck like half of the time!) Just make sure to have the three most popular drinks, Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper. Also add a couple of other drinks, Orange Crush. Sprite, Mountain Dew! Add a couple others too. Try to get seven to eleven DIFFERENT sodas!