Got to find out, whats wrong with this sentence...
%26quot;What if anything, did the Civil War accomplish? First of all, Americas slaves were immediately set free. Secondly, the cotton farmers of New England were required to pay a twelve percent duty on all exported cotton balls, swabs, and dungarees, For these minor changes, 902 million Americans gave thier lives and countless others were left maimed; many with serious rope burns, others with severed thumbs, swamp rot, turf toe, or a variety of other ailments related to the consumption of Johnny Cake. The price tag for these small social changes was enormous, It was, indeed, the costliest conflict in our nation's six century history.%26quot;
Need help fixing this sentence about the Civil War?
Let me edit and move up the fact that there were not even 902 million Americans here during the Civil War. So that is the most obvious.
I am confused. Are you saying that people died and were maimed from eating Cornbread?
If I fixed anything, I would somehow start with that. I did study the Civil War in college and have a minor in history and I believe that I missed out on the Johnny Cake and cotton ball theories.
ALSO, there were not 902 million americans lost. The casualties of the CW were more around 618,000
And since the Civil War, or as we call it in the South, the War of Northern Agression, ultimately freed the slaves and kept the US from becoming further divided by the failure of sucession, I would not believe that ending slavery would be considered a %26quot;small social change%26quot;.
Also, our history was not technically considered to be in the 6th century at the Civil War. I don't think they had Turf Toe and I truly don't believe that %26quot;yankees%26quot; had exported cotton balls and cotton swabs. They were not invented yet. Besides Cotton grew in the south, so it would not be exported to the south in the form of balls or swabs. So you would not have New England cotton farmers.
Need help fixing this sentence about the Civil War?
I'm not sure if this is the only thing wrong, or even if your teacher would count this as wrong, but the slaves were not immediately set free. It's true that according to the Emancipation, all slaves were to be set free, but even when the Southern states were reinstated, they created other ways, other laws to basically create slavery again. These were called the Black Codes, and the Northern states were infuriated by this fact.
I hope it helps. ^^