Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How many of you know about NAIS?

This program affects EVERYONE who has the animals on the NAIS list.

Do what you want with the information. I personally do not like the program I don't believe that the program will do any good. This program will do more harm than good.

I do know that my family and I will no longer be able to afford to have farm fresh eggs when the Government starts enforcing this MANDONTORY program. Even the people who have one or two goats in their backyards will be required to chip and register their premises.

And the cost....I can't even begin to imagine what the cost will be. We will see a dramatic increase in everything that pertains to agriculture. The increased cost will show up on the price tags of products.

And will our food supplies be any only way our food supplies will be any safer is if we stop importing food and livestock from foreign countries who use all of the pesticides and chemicals that we in this country have banned. Other countries that livestock come in from do not vaccinate, do not test and do not chip their animals for the very diseases NAIS says that it will prevent.

The diseases that are coming into this country are from foreign imports. E-coli, salmonella, and others that get into the food supply occur at the processing plants and are due to poor processing methods and unclean workers not from the premise of origin.

You will find two attachments please educate other horse owners as to the intent of NAIS. There are many states that are implementing this program right under our noses without any of us knowing.

This program affects your ability to go for a trail ride and even to take your horse(s) to the vets. Every time your animals leaves its premise you are going to be REQUIRED to file a report within 24 hours of such movement and that report carries with it a fee that you have to pay in order to file.

The final implementation of NAIS is counting on you not paying attention because this is an election year. All media attention is focused on who got what vote and where not that your freedoms are being taken away.

The Government programs that help feed animals during storm disasters are not helping unless the ranchers and farmers that are asking for the help are registered with NAIS or they must agree to register and chip the animals after the rescue.

The horse registries are being made to comply with the NAIS mandates and supplying names, address, and number of animals registered to owners. 4-H, FFA and county fairs are not allowing kids to show their animals unless those animals are chipped and registered with NAIS.

All suppliers of all things that we buy for our livestock, vaccines, feeds, tack, are being required to report our purchases for the purposes of being tagged as animal owners. The purpose鈥o generate list of animal owners and premises that may or may not yet be registered with NAIS.

Since the Federal Government doesn't have funds to implement this program they are relying on State governments to implement the program. State governments must comply with Federal mandates. NAIS will be in place by Jan 2009 for every animal in the United States of America and horses by Jan 2010.

The USA is our country. The people own this country. It is the consumers that can change how Government is run. And right now, and this has been happening for years, it has been the Government that has been dictating how the consumers are run.

If you want change you have to make it happen.
How many of you know about NAIS?
I know about it and am totally against it. In my opinion, this is being proposed to drive the small family farm and the back yard farms out. If you are really against it you need to contact your representatives, especially the state. If you have registered animals contact your association tell them you don't want it. If they decide to force it then don't register your animals. Yes, I have done it. And if need be, if the cattle registry decides to go along with this...I will not register any calves.
How many of you know about NAIS?
Agree. btw Ron Paul's campaign ad in

Farm and Dairy newspaper states that he is against NAIS.