Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Will the leftists please explain just how Hussein Obama would affect any meaningful "change" in Washington, DC?

I know, i know!!......He would stop our involvement in Iraq over a number of years. But, that would be just a drop in the economic bucket. His social programs would carry a hefty price tag which makes one wonder where he would get the money to pay for them.
Will the leftists please explain just how Hussein Obama would affect any meaningful %26quot;change%26quot; in Washington, DC?
As long as we all ban together and vote against him, we wont have to worry about the US being destroyed and over run with terrorists!
Will the leftists please explain just how Hussein Obama would affect any meaningful %26quot;change%26quot; in Washington, DC?
He'll enact Communist policies without opposition since the Dems will control all three branches of government. That'll sure be a %26quot;change.%26quot;
you know the guy has a first name.
Why don't you use Barack Obama instead of Hussein Obama... To judge somebody based on his name is completely ridiculous.

Barack Obama has strong economic policies that will benefit America. John McCain, on the other hand, does not have any economic policies except for words.
He will take your money, launder it through the federal government redistribution machine, and change it into someone else's money.
He already started: He voted to pay the ultra wealthy 700 billion of your money to help them pay for their mansions and yachts.. Happy voting!
He is a DEMOCRAT he is not BUSH we have SEEN what EIGHT YEARS of Republican Rule have done to this country and now we need a CHANGE. Get it now or is it too much Information coming ion all at once?
So you have no concern about pissing away $500 billion in Iraq but we spend some money on Americans and you are against it. You are a horrible American.
Ten billion dollars a month is a drop in the economic bucket? Obama's plan is to rein in federal spending and balance the budget. Then he can work on paying down the debt. McCain just wants to keep spending on the military and engage in more warfare.
Make the budget a budget that positively effects all people and we can be fine.

May you ask your questions without hatred and all of us will be safer.

Anything Barack Obama will do will be better than anything Bush has done in the last 8 yrs.. felt like a century since he's been in the white house..
He would get the Republican criminal element out of the White House.

Its easy after that.

The Founders designed this country to function, not be bogged down in war and debt for special interests.
Obama is a leader. He will CHANGE the way the Republicans have been running things.
Do you mean Barack Obama?

And you mean how will he %26quot;effect%26quot; change (i.e. achieve it, put it into effect. To %26quot;affect%26quot; change would be to change change!)

How ignorant are those who refer to policies as %26quot;communist%26quot;: Clearly they have no idea what communism is.
I'm not a leftist, but I read an interesting report that stated that Obama's health care plan alone would cost $300B-$500B per year at current medical cost levels. How can he pay for that without raising taxes on everyone? I think it's just a BS campaign promise.
Well he would have the wealthiest 10% pay 100% of the taxes (they already pay 80%)

He will redistribute wealth to the bottom 43% of americans by giving them %26quot;tax breaks%26quot;. Wait a minute they already don't pay taxes.?!?

I don't know I am confused oh and you don't agree with Obama so you must be a racist you racist you
He will have good advice from good people who have good ideas and then we will change hope to %26quot;this is good%26quot; just like the Germans were led to believe that Nazism was good, not realizing the danger. But we will hope and be changed...with the end of Freedom and return to socialism/tyranny.

Will madonna be a foreign ambassodor? or just a foreign *** in the white house?

Save this country and vote for anyone other than Obama.
If Obama could reduce the U.S. military presence worldwide, cut our defense budget to a reasonable level and tax the rich progressively he'd have more than enough, but he won't be allowed to even if he's elected president. The passage of the Bailout Bill has made it more obvious than ever that the federal government is corporate owned. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer and the middle class will keep disappearing until We the People move to change it. Nice avatar, btw. I appreciate people who prominantly display the Stars and Stripes. It helps me remember which country I'm in. The U.S. has been feeling more and more like the Soviet Union since 2000.
Here are a few quotes from Obama from speeches he made explaining the Change:

%26quot;politicians come to your cities and your towns, and they tell you what you want to hear, and they make big promises, and they lay out all these plans and policies. But then they go back to Washington when the campaign鈥檚 over%26quot;

%26quot;We are tired of being disappointed by our politics. We are tired of being let down. We're tired of hearing promises made and ten-point plans proposed in the heat of a campaign only to have nothing change when everyone goes back to Washington.%26quot;

With the economy in recession tax revenues will drop. With us having spent a trillion dollars to bail out Wall Street, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG and others Obama KNOWS he will not have money for his promises.

He knows he won't be able to keep his promises.

Forget his healthcare program.

He is exactly like every other politician no different at all.
Look up political %26quot;conservative%26quot; in the dictionary. By definition, there is a resistance to change. McCain says he will change things because his predecessor has f***ed things up so grandly that he needs to %26quot;change%26quot; things. Yet, he voted for the status quo 91% of the time.

It's pretty pathetic when someone who shares your views on 90% of everything just abandons all that they've been saying. Anybody can call themselves a maverick.

Oh! Didn't Ford have a car called the Maverick.It seems like THAT was a failure too.
Something is happening in this country that is sincerely scaring me, and it's bad. Did you know that any great warrior will tell you to,%26quot;divide the people and they can be

easily conquered.%26quot;

Just by looking at this category I see such animosity and it's even hatred. We are not talking to vicious terrorists or killers, we are talking to our FELLOW AMERICANS.

Folks, this is only an election! On Nov. 4th the decision will have been made. Will you still hate your neighbor like you do now?

Please think on this...Disagree, but please stop the HATE!