Friday, 16 September 2011

Is "adaptability" the key to our future? Must society lose its traditions in order to move into the future?

The election guarntees change in government. Right?

Are you OK with the changes in society in recent years?

What about business changes? Is the economy flexible enough to adjust to the times???

One of the challenges a successor to leadership faces is how to preserve the strengths of tradition while adapting traditions so they have more relevance for today.

Didn't Jesus teach we must be %26quot;born again%26quot;?

Isn't the main purpose of education to teach the next generation to meet the challenges of future changes?

Is %26quot;adaptability%26quot; the watch word for surviving in this fast-changing world???

Are we losing our historic traditions of values? Does that include traditional old standards, practices %26amp; values?

Must society lose those cherrished old traditions, in order to adapt to the bold new future that looms, with changes in our world?

I guess I'm asking if you get new %26quot;price tags%26quot; as you change with time???

Or are you nostalgic for %26quot;TRADITION .(sing).tradition!%26quot;
Is %26quot;adaptability%26quot; the key to our future? Must society lose its traditions in order to move into the future?
Before the modern era, we adapted because we had to, and tradition was a way of finding normalcy in an ever changing world. They were things that worked throughout all change though.

Today, we adapt to things we cause. We appear to be in control of our world. Global warming is just an example of how we have, granted involuntarily, shifted the entire world's climate. Because traditions were made out of desire for normalcy in a world beyond our control, they're being viewed as outdated in today's world where normalcy is boring and change is desired.

We don't have to lose these traditions, our society can function with them just fine, and has been, but many people, (I'm definetly NOT one of them) feel that they're inhibiting on %26quot;progress%26quot;.

I'm pro-tradition, I like it, it reminds us of what we were and are, where we came from, and allows us to retain, and experience, the memories of our ancestors. But with families becoming more distant, we're losing the value of those memories. WIth change becoming desirable, the past becomes inferior. We don't want to experience the lives of our ancestors, we want to experience our own lives in bold different ways. While that sounds all nice, it often means rebelling against our ancestors.

As such, honor and respect have lost meaning, and, as you can probably see, the world isn't better off with old traditions starting to die out, it's getting worse. It's like we're trying to start anew, but we feel that in order to do that, everything must be different from before.

It's sad that society is beginning to believe that tradition is the price to be paid for progress. Yet without tradition - will %26quot;progress%26quot; in our control of our world lead us into a world we cannot control, and another age in when tradition is required?
Is %26quot;adaptability%26quot; the key to our future? Must society lose its traditions in order to move into the future?
Thats a good question.

IMHO, adaption isnt the key to the ongoing success of the human is. Less people, less reproduction, less societies, reverse development, reforestration, fishing embagos...... you get my point.

No matter how adaptable a species is, if the planet is f*******ed they're screwed !
A lot of the more shallow / %26quot;open-minded%26quot; individuals seem to think so. The value of values has been forfeited for the %26quot;new and improved%26quot;, regardless of its import. Oh, and be careful how you plug in what Jesus seemed to teach. Although your words may be correct, taken out of context can totally abuse their meaning. Keep them in context, and your values will be valuable. God Bless you.
Adaptability is the only way society can survive...that doesn't mean long-standing traditions have to change. Now, little items of tradition can change, but tradition as a whole will not...not the core of those traditions. Some segments of society will cancel their traditions, some segments won't...that's the ancient to modern way it's always been.

I love traditions, but that doesn't mean I cannot add flexibility to those traditions, and still keep them solidly alive.
%26quot;Born again%26quot; is a religious idea. It involved giving up your old spirit; then, Jesus would implant a new spirit in you. The result would be your old body plus part of Jesus' spirit, i.e. a hybrid. (Your old spirit has already sent to hell)

In politic, it is about evolution or revolution. Change will definitely happend for a new government, you can see the transaction from Bill Clinton's government to GW Bush's government.

Now the change will be more aggressive. Possibly, it will be a revolution and than eventually bringing back some old thing. This may be similar to the Culture Revolution in China.

Perhaps, it may be good for America. Note how many secret deals did Bush make with other organization? There would be too much document or even non-document to follow. It may take more than a year to pick up the post of President. Under existing situation, it is impossible. Then, the best way is to forget about the old and launch the revolution. In parallel, the new carbinet has to catch up the old and try to adopt the old into new.
It's the people. If you allow values to be sullied, then it's the peoples fault. Internet porn is just one example.
There is a song called %26quot;Slow fade%26quot; by Christian artists, (Casting Crowns?) that most certainly descibe what is happening to our culture.

Just as %26quot;The Fiddler on the roof%26quot; (Tevye) ...could not hold on to his %26quot;Traditions%26quot; we too are caught in the cycle of this ever changing world in which we live, regardlesss of how staunchly we attempt to hold on to those precious %26quot;Traditions%26quot;. It kinda like holding sand, the tighter you hold, the more you loose.

Global warming %26amp; all that it is doing to this planet, along with other issues that mankind is continuing to do, are heading humanity ever faster towards self-annilation.

Much like a huge tidal wave, there is NOTHING other than God Himself that will be able to avert this disaster!
You could have added integrity and morals. What we gain cannot compare with what we lose. You don't know what you got, till its gone!
M'dear.... is society the same as it was 100 years ago? 200 years ago? 500 years ago???

What were traditions 500 years ago no longer exist, with rare exception. Society MUST change and adapt to survive as humans must change and adapt.

Frankly, I'm going to do the %26quot;one day at a time%26quot; bit and not worry too much about something which is going to happen long after I'm gone from this world, and that I have little or no control over.

Have a %26quot;Newsy%26quot; day.