T1 Just installed.. Data is ready to go as the telephone company says
so. The Voice will be done next week.
I have approx 320KBPS and my question is how can this be increased on
my end? I mean can I fix or hack it so that I can get 1.5MB or so from
I have cable also and it seems that the cable is much faster just
would like a stable connection without the price tag..
How can the T1 be changed local?
T1 Line Questions Hacking Telephone etc PLEASE HELP?
I'm pretty sure you can't do that. A T1 line is separated into 24 channels, and the provider will simply disable some of those data channels on their end to reduce your bandwidth. This is not something you can 'fix' on your end.
Also, you are correct. A T1 line is typically much slower than an average cable broadband connection from your local ISP. My cable connection is 10 mbps down and 1 mbps up. When I perform a 'speed test', I always get about 9.9 mbps down and 0.8 mbps up. In other words for a lot lot lot less than a T1 line, I'm getting a lot lot more download bandwidth and a similar upload bandwidth.
A T1 is really only suggested for business users who need a guaranteed dedicated connection that is extremely reliable, or if they want to have several digital phone line channels from the telephone company.