Saturday, 24 September 2011

How do you get access to surveillance evidence?

If you are accussed of a crime and a store claims to have you on tape, how do you get access to view tha tape bofore appearing in court without a lawyer? My friend was accussed of changing the tag on a item in a store that cost $6 and the tag when he checked out said $3.99, the cops were called and he was issued a citation to appear in court. the tape was never viewed while he was there. the cops told him that he had to admit to it on the spot or he would be arrested, he had his two kids with him so he said yes. He knows he didnt do it, and would like to view the tape before going to court.

he wants to see how incriminating the tape looks as it was a discount store where you have to dig through bins and racks, so he could have been doing anything and the items in the store always have different prices on the same items, people switch and rip the tags all the time. he wants to plea not guilty but is worried that he may look guilty on the video.
How do you get access to surveillance evidence?
If theres ever a discrepancy on an item marked with 2 prices then leave it in the box and take it to the register, the stores will usually have you pay the lower amount if you argue it. As far as viewing the video tape before the hearing, you need to contact the prosecuting attorney, let them know your representing yourself (Pro Per) and simply ask for a copy of the video,,, yes,,, its that simple. You have the right to view or review all evidence that is to be used against you so that you can provide the best possible defense in a court of law.