Friday, 16 September 2011

The Question:How much the shop owner made loss in this trade?

One day, a man walked into a souvenir shop.There was this souvenir he was interested to buy.The price tagged $21, cost price of the souvenir was $18.The man paid the shop owner with a $100 note..Not having enough small change, the shop owner went across road to exchange the $100 note with his friend and return $79 to the man.The man left.It was then discovered that $100 was a faked note.The shop owner has no choice but to pay his friend with $100.
The Question:How much the shop owner made loss in this trade?
18+79+100= 197bucks lost. . . . . and his 3 dollar profit from the bogus sale.

The Question:How much the shop owner made loss in this trade?

Because the cost price was $3.00 less than the selling price?