I have to redesign a vending machine in my class. I would really appreciate it if I can get some suggestion from you all. The thing is
that I need to find out what people like or dislike about the vending machines and what kind of vending machines you prefer to use. Where do you like them to be located? Is it convenient for all people to use? Do you have problem using buttons, bill and change slots or getting the product out? Do you think the display window is good enough visually with the pictures of the product or the actual product as well as the price and number tags under each item? My design has to be a universal design.
How should I redesign the vending machines?
Are you redesigning the vending machine for Japanese people?
Anyway, vending machine is just a machine in Japan. It must be the one you can use it easily. Just like any other vending machines in Japan.
How should I redesign the vending machines?
Make a trip to Japan and check out the vending machines there.
They have machines that dispense hot and cold drinks from the same machine.
Coffee comes in hot closed tins like pop comes in.