Friday, 16 September 2011

How do I open my own booth at an anime convention?

My best friend and i are very interested in opening a booth that provides con-goers all the accesories they need that revolve around the lolita style. we've contacted whole sale retailers that will be working with us, invented a price code to keep ppl from changing the price tags, have studied a method to keep track of where our money goes, so you know we're serious about this. we're using this summer to plan and buy all the merchandise we need so we have time to think about the price. only thng is, we dont have a clue as to who to contact, table prices, licences or any of that. for those with experience, can you guys help us out?
How do I open my own booth at an anime convention?
It's a matter of renting a table which varies in price depending on the con and table size. Find the web site for whichever con(s) you want to attend. There will be vendor information on there somewhere.