Ok so I got cought stealing last 3 weeks I went to jail for being an adult even tough I am only 17. So yea I went to jail I was there for about 12 hours. I got charged for stealing and changing the price tag. I dont know what I am going to get my record was clean. Is it going to be clean? What should I do. I cant afford a lawyer but they said they probably give me one on my court date. Aghh I dont know I am so stressed out and I dont want it to show on my record.
I got cought stealing? and im only 17?
It sounds to me like they are offering you a diversion program. If you complete the requirements, they will not enter the conviction on your record.
They will, however, keep a record of this in court. If you get caught again, you will not be offered diversion, and will have a permanent criminal record.
I got cought stealing? and im only 17?
it will be on your record.
You shouldn't have been stealing.
what he said. plus if you know what youre doing, they charge you as an adult. it's not like you're 10 or soemthing. You knew what you were doing and that it would have consequences so live with them. Your Fault.
Thats going to be on your record espicially snce you were tried as an adult. think before you do something next time..you never know what the consequences are...let the court give you a lawyer if you cant afford it
If you didn't want it on your record, you shouldn't have been stealing and switching tags (which is also stealing). Since they charged you as an adult, there's no sealing of juvenile records so there it will stay, following you around thru adulthood. THINK next time. Your theft costs honest people alot of money when we shop.
hi JoJo im Maxx not really but thats my name here anyway i have alot of expierience with the court system i dont know where you live but most states have what they call here in connecticut the youthful offender program and thats when a person under 18 gets arrested for the first time the court will then put you on like a probation for a year and if after that year they will nolle the case they suspend prosecuetion and if you dont get arrested again within that year the charges go away. PS; take it from someone who has been in trouble too many times its not worth it you will lose many rights after being convicted of a felony
then when you decide you want to straighten your life out you cant get a job nobody trusts you you cant vote and many other negative consequences/ not to mention myself lost 4 years in prison/ for non violent petty crimes/believe me its no fun and your never the same after being locked up for years/stay out of trouble.
You will get (1) year probation. And the charges will be erased from your record if you don't get in trouble within a year.